+27 (0)23 342 6964 mbagb@telkomsa.net



In instances where we receive complaints about one of our members, we embark on a process of investigation, consultation and engagement which seeks to achieve an equitable resolution for all parties concerned. In the relatively rare instances where members refuse to co-operate in achieving this outcome, the Association will invoke a disciplinary process which may ultimately result in the member’s expulsion.

It is important to clarify that the Association does not formally enforce standards in the strictly legal sense. The good reputation of the vast majority of our members is, however, important to us and consumer complaints are managed with a view to ensuring that this reputation remains intact. We are available at all times to offer technical assistance and advice to our members should they request this.

We are confident that membership of the Association does provide additional recourse for our members’ clients in that we do follow up on complaints and we do direct our members to remedy unsatisfactory conduct and/or workmanship. The truth is that certain of these cases take a reasonable amount of time to dispose of effectively.

If we find that a member has failed to adequately abide by the Association’s Code of Conduct, the matter may be referred to the Executive Council of the Association. If the charges are found to be sustained after the appropriate investigations and hearing, the Executive Council can impose sanctions on the member, ranging from a reprimand, a fine, or in extreme cases, suspension or cancellation of membership.


It is always preferable to communicate as much as possible with the member. If issues are raised early on, then it’s more likely that problems, which may worsen over time, can be averted or resolved mutually between the parties.

First, check that your builder is a member of Master Builders Greater Boland (MBA Greater Boland). Please note that we can only receive complaints for members of Master Builders Greater Boland. You can also confirm if a builder or contractor is a member of MBA Greater Boland by phoning 023-342 6964, or to visit us at Russellstreet 116D or by visiting our website mbagreaterboland.org.za.

If u have ascertained that your contractor is a member, you will need to complete a complaint form, which is available on our website.

If the contractor is not a member, please check the Handy Telephone Numbers page for the contact details of the Nasional Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) other Industry Associations and the Consumer Protection Council.


Wanneer ons klagtes oor een van ons lede ontvang, volg ons ‘n proses van ondersoek, konsultasie en ingryping wat ten doel het om ‘n billike oplossing vir alle betrokke partye te bied. In die rare geval waar ‘n Lid weier om samewerking te verleen, sal die Assosiasie ‘n dissiplinêre proses volg wat uiteindelik mag lei tot die Lid se skorsing.

Die Assosiasie dwing nie standaarde streng af nie, maar die goeie reputasie van ons lede is vir ons baie belangrik, daarom slaan ons ag op enige klagtes sodat ons bouers se reputasies in stand gehou kan word. Ons is te alle tye beskikbaar om tegniese bystand en raad aan ons bouers te verleen indien hulle dit sou benodig.

Ons glo dat lidmaatskap van die Assosiasie addisionele gemoedsrus vir ons lede se kliënte verskaf, aangesien ons klagtes opvolg en ons lede aanbeveel om enige onbevredigende gedrag en/of vakmanskap reg te stel. Ongelukkig neem sommige van hierdie sake ‘n lang tyd om effektief op te los.

Indien ‘n Lid versuim om hom by die Assosiasie se Gedragskode te hou, mag die saak na die Uitvoerende Raad van die Assosiasie verwys word. Indien die aanklag na die toepaslike ondersoek en verhoor gehandhaaf word, kan die Uitvoerende Raad sanksies op die Lid toepas wat kan wissel van ‘n waarskuwing of boete tot, in uiterste gevalle, skorsing of kansellering van lidmaatskap.


Goeie kommunikasie met lede is belangrik te alle tye. Indien kwessies vroeg reeds uitgelig word, kan probleme wat later erger sou raak, vroegtydig vermy of opgelos word deur die verskillende partye.

Eerstens moet u kontroleer of u bouer lid is van Meesterbouers Assosiasie Groter Boland (MBA Groter Boland). Ons ontvang slegs klagtes oor bouers wat lid is van MBA Groter Boland. U kan bevestiging kry oor die bouer se lidmaatskap van MBA Groter Boland deur ons te skakel by 023-342 6964, ons te besoek by Russellstraat 116D of deur die webwerf mbanoordboland.org.za te besoek.

Indien u vasgestel het dat u bouer wel lid van MBA Groter Boland is, moet u die klagtevorm wat by ons kantoor en ook op ons webwerf beskikbaar is, voltooi. Indien die bouer nie ‘n lid van ons organisasie is nie, kontak asb die Nasionale Huisbouers Registrasieraad (NHBRR), ander Bedryfsverenigings of die Verbruikersbeskermingsraad.