+27 (0)23 342 6964 mbagb@telkomsa.net



The Association must assist in improving relationships between members and their employees and must also protect the members interest in their employees.

The Association is there to oversee any proposed national laws or other precautions with regards to improving the interest of members, to support or oppose.

The Association will, if requested to do so, deliver judgement of any differences amongst members and to appoint, through the Executive Committee, arbitrators for this purpose.

The Association will improve and assist with justified and honest action in business negotiations amongst members with other persons in the Building and Related Industries.

Contracts at reasonable prices- approved by all major parties in the Building Industry (QS’s, architects, etc) is available at our office.

A member’s firm and address will appear on a membership list which will be distributed to various main contractors and sub-contractors countrywide as well as to other organisations in the Building Industry. Members is also advertised on our website: www.mbagreaterboland.org.za.

General meetings for all members are held on a quarterly basis while the Executive Committee has meetings on a monthly basis. Social get-togethers are also organised for members to enable them to invite their business acquaintances and business friends to these get-togethers to help improve business relations to the best interest of the building industry.

Regular meetings with the municipalities to discuss matters of interest regarding the Building Industry and to share other information, new law and by-laws etc which is then forwarded to our members through meetings and bulletins.

Contact with Government Departments, eg Department of Labour.

Regular training courses are organised for members and their workforce regarding apprenticeships and other matters of interest eg. First Aid, Occupational Health and Safety, scaffoldings, etc. Where there is a need for something, we organise it.

Office hours:

Monday – Thursday: 08:15 – 16:45
Friday: 08:15-15:15

Office is closed every day between 13:00-14:00 except on Fridays


Die Assosiasie is daar om oor die belange van sy lede te waak, dit te bevorder & te beskerm.

Die Assosiasie is daar om die beslegting van geskille deur versoeningsmaatreëls aan te moedig.

Die Assosiasie is daar om op alle wettige wyse alle mense wat geskik is vir lidmaatskap te probeer oorreed om by die Assosiasie aan te sluit.

Die Assosiasie is daar om met werkgewers- of werknemersorganisasies op enige Nywerheids- of versoeningsraad wat saamgestel is vir die hantering van sake wat lede raak, saam te werk.

Die Assosiasie mag met enige Federasie affilieer of by hulle aansluit of andersins met enige Federasie, vereniging, inrigting, plaaslike owerheid, vakunie of ander persoon of persone saam werk ten einde die doelstellings van die Assosiasie en die belange van werkgewers in die Bounywerheid of Verwante bedrywe, of persone daaraan verbonde te bevorder.

Die Assosiasie is daar om die opleiding van jeugdiges (en ander) vir die Bou- en Verwante Nywerhede en die algemene opvoedkundige vordering van persone in die Nywerheid te bevorder en aan te moedig.

Die MBA Groter Boland is geaffilieer by MBSA (Meesterbouers Suid-Afrika), die nasionale liggaam wat die geordende boubedryf verteenwoordig en toegang bied tot ‘n netwerk van kundige advies oor onder meer Administrasie, Arbeidsverhoudinge, Boubedingingsraadsake, Eerstehulpadvies, Geskilbeslegting, Kontrakte, Loononderhandelinge, Opleiding, Tenderprosedures, Veiligheids- en Verliesbeheer en Sub-kontrakteurs.

Omdat ‘n lid geaffilieer is by MBSA deur die Assosiasie, word ‘n lid outomaties ‘n intekenaar op die tydskrif SA Builder en ontvang dit gratis, maandeliks.

Die Uitvoerende Komitee is bereid om lede by te staan met probleemoplossing en kan hulp en raad verleen met bykans enige sort probleem wat hulle in die boubedryf kan teëkom mits dit binne die raamwerk van die Assosiasie se doelwitte en Grondwet val.


Maandae – Donderdae: 08:15 – 16:45
Vrydae: 08:15-15:15

Kantoor is elke dag tussen 13:00-14:00 gesluit, behalwe op Vrydae.